Saturday, December 24, 2005

The New Notebook

For Christmas, my wife and son have given me a nice notebook. It is a P4 2.8 GHZ machine and right as we speak I am installing Breezy Ubuntu on it. I am going to keep this blog active until I decide which Distro works best and does what I need done. Wow, it is more powerful than my desktop pc. Well, I was going to report how little I thought of this notebook, but it turns out that I had a bunch of bad media.I now have SuSe 10 installing on it from the DVD that I downloaded when I started having problems with my CD. I believe that it will install in less than one hour but you never know.
I installed SuSe 10 this morning. The install went flawlessly but with one small problem, it didn't detect my 3 USB ports. Seeing as I use a USB mouse, that really wouldn't do for me at all. I know you are saying Kevin, there is probably a setting in the install that you missed and you are probably right. I will look into this further later on down the road.
I am running Breezy Ubuntu right now for one reason only, the plain and simple fact that Mandriva free 2006 errored out, Fedora Core 4 errored out, SuSe I mentioned earlier. It is running pretty well right now but I do want to try other ditributions on here seeing as it is so powerful. This is going to wind up being the longest Blog I have ever done but it may help someone who is writing a book on Ubuntu. The main problem I am having is getting the proper drivers for the video, I have contacted the manufacturer of the notebook and I am hoping to here back from them come Thursday or Friday of this week. When I get the proper driver, I will post a link to it here seeing as I know other people in the Linux community will want this driver as it is made available.
It is now Dec 26 2005 and I have been using the news reader called Pan, so far all is good and it is easy to use seeing as Ubuntu doesn't install one by defult for some reason. Today I have pretty much made up my mind that I am giong to keep Ubuntu on this notebook, I do still want to investigate why SuSe messed up the way it did, but I will do that at a later date seeing as I start back to work on Wednesday and I do want one day where I am not installing until the wee hours of the morning and the wife bugging me to do other things with the boy.
I got it figured out!! What I had to do with Mandriva to get it installed was to unhook my USB mouse and then upon the first reboot, plug it back in. Then all of the sudden, it is wham bam thank you mam! everything works!


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