Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dapper Drake Ubuntu

Okay! Enough!! I am officially sticking with Ubuntu! I have tried serveral different things with most of the BIG Distro's and have given up! I have a very hard time getting my proper video driver for most, and the only one to get it right is Ubuntu. Then I cannot get my wireless to work with them. I can at least get it working in Ubuntu.
I now have a good thing happening, I have my wireless going good, the video isn't quite right yet. But the good news is, I can install most anything I want or need to. This is why I have been sticking with Ubuntu. The main thing is I do want to keep current with other Distro's and with me being hooked on Ubuntu, it makes it hard for me to do much with the others. Now, the down side is I am running Dapper Drake which to this date, is still not official, which of course means that things will break. I have been sort of fortunate in that area but still, the team is working hard. The best thing I have found about Ubuntu has been the straight up fact the most things just work with it and all of the information I have read leads to one thing, it is the best Distro that can be found (for the newbie).

Using The Command Line

One of the first things I do after an install of Ubuntu is I put the Terminal on the upper task bar, Synaptic package manager and Oo writer as well. This just makes things a little bit easier. When I fire it up for the first time I always do the following, fire up the Terminal and type the following, sudo apt-get update. Then I type in sudo apt-get upgrade. You can run most any program from the command line by just simply typing it's name. There is a new command that I like pretty well (new to me) try typing in whois or the ip of the address. The best one that I like is traceroute. This one give me more information.

Downloadin And Installing Software

A very handy tool is called apt-get. What I do is I type into the Terminal, sudo apt-get install , or if I do not know the name of the program I am looking for, I always type in sudo apt-cache searc This will list all of the known packages in your sources.list file. Now I am sitting at my sister-in laws house in New Hamburgh. This is kind of cool seeing as I am on line with my wireless connection. This is looking to be pretty promising so far. When you get to the point that I have with this, you will realize what a celebration it is to have this Broadcom wireless working without any sort of problems. The bad part is that I get some fun out of getting all of the knowledge from doing this all. Now that I am having so much fun with all of this, I am getting into lots of trouble with it all. There is another way to get software installed on your system. It is called Synaptic Package Manager. This is a good tool and the way you get to it is to go to System>Administration>Synaptic. Then what I do is search for it. The best thing about all of this is the plain and simple fact that you can add or remove repositories just at the click of the mouse. By clicking on the Setting---->Repositories, you can add a couple of different ones that will enable you to get a whole bunch more software.
The downfall to Linux in my eyes is that people just don't want to go through yet one more learning curve. If they really wanted to get an Operating System, they would put us the technicians through a lot more crap than they actually do. Right now 99% of my clients are running Windows, and I am starting to bring it up more and more to them and some of them really are warming up to the idea that there is something better than windows out there that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to use. Open Office replaces Microsoft Office rather well. The Gimp has come just about far enough to replace Adobe Photo Shop, there are a lot of applications that are really coming close to cutting the mustard and several surpass cutting the mustard and get into the area of bleeding edge. I like the bleeding edge but there are a few problems that they don't really talk about. Like the drivers for a Broadcom 4318 wireless adapter. This can be extremely daunting, especially if you try to rush things, trust me I do speak from a lot of experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'd be interested how you got the 4316 working. Still no luck here.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I got it working through the Ubuntu wiki. This is not an exact science. I am continuing all that I can with this, so please be patient as I am working out some How To's on this mattter.

1:40 PM  

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