Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Ideas From Captain Kevin

I have now got my wireless working. Maybe now I can get some fun things done, Like now Charles and I can take the long Easter Weekend to work on getting a few podcasts done.

One of my favorite time killing games in Linux is called Bug Squish, the reason for this is there is next to no violence but maybe a few Skeeters and other little annoying bugs. Or I like to play Gweled a single player, Multi-Level Bejeweled like game. I enjoy this one because it keeps the blood from boiling when you just cannot get an application to compile proper or just need to relax from a hard day at work. Another thing I like to do is play with Audio programs like Audacity which we use for recording the podcasts, or Hydrogen, which you can record your own flavor of music, and then save it as a WAV file and import it to Audacity for adding to the podcast. Now today Charles and I are supposed to work on the new Podcast and maybe the next couple as well. Beamie if you are reading this, yes we are getting ready to stage one good come back! Now all I have to do is work on maybe getting my wireless to work under any circumstances. It is working but I have to bring it up manually and I also have not been able to get it working on any others but my own network. I have grown quite board with the wireless problems, I have now been playing with RDP through Ubuntu, all I have been doing with it is remoting into my wifes computer and running her ant-spyware and anti-virus... and maybe the odd chat program. But if I wasn't such an honest person I could have done lots of things with it. I have just recently gotten laid off from my job, so what I am going to do is take my spare computers, turn them into a few things like email servers, web servers that allows drag and drop from my desktop, into another directory on the server. or allows me to FTP into it and get my files onto the desktops of other clients.

The best thing I think that I could possibly do is get an email server going, maintain it for a while and document the holly terror out of it.

I may even get some things done like maybe getting some things like the email server working and also the web server working. I may even get a true server out of all of this, I just don't know yet. What I feel would be ideal would be a server that combines all of these things. A drag and drop web server. an email server and an educational server . That would host say the Call For Help episodes for me, or really I have no clue as of yet but I am having my brain in overdrive with it all.


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