Saturday, February 18, 2006


This Friday past my buddy Charles posted our first and only podcast, Redneck Linux Podcast we had fun doing this one and hopefully soon there will be more. The main thing we have to do is find the time to do the dialog and then try to find the time to get together to record it, then finally the time to edit it to our liking. When all of that is done, we will finally have the second one out. Redneck Linux Podcast. Here is the link for downloading the podcast, I hope this brings some enjoyment into your world. I hope you enjoy it as much as I/we enjoyed making it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What the future holds

Well, once again I will be searching for a job. This is not exactly the news I was hoping for but I take them and roll with them. I think what I will wind up doing is trying to get a job within the Linux community seeing as it is the only community that has taken the time to be sure that I am set for a descent future. Right now I am working on getting my resume up to snuff, then we will see what kind of a job I can dig up with it. Now I am getting into what this blog was really supposed to be about. Where I feel Linux will be in the next 10 years is giving Microsoft a run for their money. M$ complains that people are allways trying to rip them off. Well in my opinion, if they would help people instead of trying to take their money and only their money, they would be a whole lot better off. I used to volunteer for a not for proffit organization, I love what the place did, I just didn't like the fact that M$ allways seamed to have their hands in the pockets of the poor and underprivalleged! This is a really sore spot for me because when you go to apply for those good paying jobs, they expect you to have experience with M$ OS's! When the countries like Canada finally do change over and start using Linux, you will see me and most of my friends in the drivers seat for the first time. The main reason I feel like that is because the M$ admins who think they know everything, or at least a lot of them, know nothing on how an OS really is supposed to take care of the end user. Like I do consulting on my own to keep some cash on hand, I set a lot of people up on Linux because they cannot afford to go down to the store and buy the newest version of M$. Then even if they did, that only gets them the OS. There is no Office application involved with it, there is even very few games involved with it. I beleive deep in my heart that Bill Gates is going to keep trying to buy Linux distibutions, and when he finally does buy one and he owns the company, he will start trying to take over the licensing for things like Open Office. We as a body need to keep M$ out of the peoples pockets!