Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Captain must post an I'm Sorry!

I must say that I am sorry for letting my best friend Charles down, you see I was supposed to be down helping him and the organization he works for. I was to help him move the work areas over to another building, and for some dumb reason I keep waking up with one bad headache. This is not the first time this has happened when I was to help him, but I am doing what needs to be done to make sure it is the last time.

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Captain has Bombed

I am officially screwed! I/we IE Charles and I installed Debian Woody on my server (dual p1 200), then went and upgraded to Sarge. My power went off sometime this morning and now Lili will not boot. I know I need to reinstall Lilo, but am more comfortable with Grub.... anyone with some advice and where to get a boot floppy, please just leave a message and I will try.
It has been a couple of hours since I posted the beggining of this one and I have posted to a couple of lists that I belong to. It is looking like I may be able to use the install cd to reinstall LILO. I will post more on this as I do more, right now it is almost 12:30 AM and I am getting rather tired, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Y'all come back now ye here!!