Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dapper Drake

Running Dapper Drake Ubuntu;
So far I like it better than the other 3 distributions that I have tried but then again this is the first night with it. It is quite nice so far. I have installed KDE desktop on here. It is running rather sweet. When I get all of this stuff working, this will all be posted to my blog to help other Linux users get all of their hardware working with Ubuntu Linux. Thus far there has been very little difference between Breezy Ubuntu and Dapper Ubuntu, other than the plain and simple fact that Dapper seems to have much better detectability in it. Like my ATI video card, in Breezy I could only get a text install, in Dapper and with no special installation method, it installed with the proper video right off the hop. It has also detected my Broadcom wireless adapter, but I have yet to be able to get it working right. It keeps telling me that the information I have put in is wrong for my network. Not right! I will figure this one out when I have enough time to sit and read through some documentation on the net. Something else I have noticed with Dapper is that it really seems to love my hardware. I.E exceleration, this little sucker is quick! Another good thing is I still have my apt-get...this is a real plus over any of the RPM based distributions as I don't really understand how the RPM works. That is what I should do this weekend after I get a few more things done on the desktop pc. That is all for now, I will write more about this when time permits. The best thing about this laptop is the size of the hard drive. It has a 60 Gig hard drive with usb support and also a few other little goodies like it has an AMD Sempron processor, came with 512 MB Ram and I have upgraded it to 7 hundred and some odd MB Ram. It seems to like most RPM based distributions but I don't like them too much, mainly because I haven't used them much, other than to try it for a day then reinstall Ubuntu.
Bonuses of Ubuntu;
As with most Linux distributions, there is no known spyware, and very few viruses. That is what I tell all of my customers who ask me why I switch to Linux. Most of the time they just look at me as if to say yeah right.... and then I have to prove it to them by going to some “dirty” sites and then shutdown and restart the computer. When they see that it has done nothing to the computer, most of them will ask me to make them a dual boot system, if they have the hard drive space I will do it, if not I will give them a live cd and show them how to use it, then when they have gotten the hang of what they are doing I will sit down with them and see what programs they use, make the decision as to what applications they use, and then what other little goodies they will need setup, like what type of Internet they use, if they plan on switching which Internet provider they use and so on. Then I can get on with the installation and show them how to use it and send them on their happy way.
The extra Goodies of Ubuntu.
There is allways one thing or another that I forget to write about, Like in the first section I forgot to put into the apps section Alien. This is an awesome program, not just for Ubuntu or DEB based systems, it can also be used pretty well with most systems that I have seen. I also use Mandriva Free 2006 on my desktop computer. I am going to try and use it on there and convert a .DEB to an RPM and see what happens. I have also been using Gdesklets, this is an awesoem program for keeping an eye on such things as CPU usage, the weather, and other nifty little icons. My favorite little app in this program so far has got to be the weather keeper. It keeps it on the desktop where you don't constantly have to open a web page. I forgot to mention that to make alien work, you need yo have it installed. To do this, you need to open a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install alien. Then you will type in alien -d What this does is it converts your RPM package to a .DEB package. Then to install the newly made .deb package you will type in sudo dpkg -i . This will install the package providing that you have all of the dependacies needed for that program.