Saturday, October 08, 2005

My Views

When running Breezy Ubuntu on my P2 366 Dell Latitude Cpi Laptop, I find that most things do pretty good with the exception of a few things, like running a web browser or something graphically heavy. When you want something like Blender, A 3D rendering program to come up or Open Office to come up, be prepared for a wait. It really isn't that big of a deal, just frustrating when you are trying to convert a customer over to Linux and they ask “does it always take this long”? My answer is always yes, when you have an old machine such as this. But the important thing is to remember that when running any distribution of Linux is that most of the software is FREE! The reason for the word most is the plain and simple fact is this, there are programs out there like Vmware, or Cedega, that charge for their programs. I understand why they charge but this is the reason I say that all important word most when showing off Linux.

I also enjoy watching peoples mouths water when I show them how easy it is to go between wireless connections and configuring most of the software out there for Ubuntu. The Ubuntu team has made the right choices and I will never put someone down for an honest effort, unless of course I have told them different. When we sit and listen to all of the showings in the LUG meetings that I can attend, my laptop is never far away because I keep short notes seeing as I type like an ape! I kid you not, if there was a contest on typing, a 5 yr old child could beat me, but I am still learning.

My favorite thing to do with Ubuntu is to open a terminal window and type sudo apt-get update, and then sudo apt-get upgrade. What these 2 commands do is update the computer I am sitting at, I love it. The main reason I don't let the updater do this for me is because I don't have time to waste for any of it waiting for it to decide if there is an update.

There are more commands that are good and great and I will cover them in this Blog. When you see me putting another entry in, it is because I have had the good fortune to find out more. There are a few more commands that I would like to show you and they would be

1)This is for when you switch from a wired network card to a wireless card. sudo ifdown eth0 and press enter.

2)Then when it is done you will type in sudo ifup ath0 or whatever the name of the connection is.

These 2 commands should bring up the wireless connection and make your computer communicate rather nicely and make you happy with everything else.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Running Wine on Breezy

I have finally gotten my favorite game to run under wine, what it took was an understanding that I honestky didn't have it before. I did however figure this out, what you need to do is download the .EXE file from the net and right click on it. Choose open with wine and follow it on through. Then when it finishes, you simply open a terminal and then from there you type in the following;
cd .wine
cd drive_c
cd Program Files
cd to the directory that it resides in.
when you see the .exe file listed when you type ls
you will tyoe in wine
Then if wine has installed it all good and right, then you will see the good 'ol game pop up and woohoo you are home free!! Have fin and enjoy it all!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Breezy Ubuntu

I am currently working on a How To for installing and running Breezy Ubuntu. If all goes well within the next week you will see it posted here first! Well I didn't get the install done, but I have some notes written down. I have installed several Breezy and Ubuntu Linux on several machines, and have WOW! have they made things easy! It makes it easy to put the computers at your finger tips. The easiest way to do things with this install is to put the disk in your CD ROM drive and press enter when prompted. This will do the basic install and from there, the world is at your finger tips. The programs that are offered with Ubuntu is just phenomenal! The program that I like the most is one called Blender, it is a 3D Rendering program that is complicated but enjoyable.
Another good thing to do is play with all of the programs withing the Ubuntu setting. I always go and do a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. this updates you system just as in Debian. I love it! There really isn't much else to say about it other than if you were going to donate to a Linux Distro....This would be the one for me.
When I do a fresh install my wife can tell what I am getting ready to do so. When I get to do so, I always get a piece of paper out and write down what the customer will needs and what the customer wants. Then sit down at the computer and look at the size of the hard drive and get the wheels churning in my head. My first question I have is always how would Breezy Ubuntu help this customer accomplish his/her goals? Then once that main question is answered I get have a whole bunch of fun! When the install is finished the first thing I do is put Clam AV on it, there is no use in making a computer for a person if you aren't going to give the person the tools to help them stay safe along with their friends. This program will help the customer stay safe by terminating the virus threats as they come in and keep their friends safe by monitoring the outgoing mail for Virus threats. There is just too many programs to choose from so I will leave this for now and come back to it later.