Friday, December 30, 2005

Ubuntu on my P4 2.8 GHZ Laptop

I now have Breezy Ubuntu on my laptop, there is one very good reason for this, I do not have to fuss with the wireless and I do a lot of stuff with the woreless adapter, when then time does come and someone can show me that another distro works on this and everything likes my motherboard, then yes I will try something else. Until then, I am working with Ubuntu to make my life easier. Right now I am going to try and compile a few things to see how well it does. I just went out and bought 512 MB RAM for this laptop today, that is deffinately the reason it was so slow. I can now have more than 2 windows open, and not have this thing go slower than a P1.I think I figured out the slow problem with this thing, it would apear that when I installed apache, it did something wrong, now that I have removed apache from it, all is good once again. Maybe now I can get back the fun of having a system that runs good. A note of interest, it is just SuSe that is messing up, I have tried using suse 9.2 on here as well, and still no USB support! that is very frustrating seeing as I like SuSe a lot, but my motherboard chip set doesn't. Everything that I do on here I will post in this Blog, I do this so completely new people to Linux may be able to get something done right the first time through. If I do go way above your head, please let me know through the messages and I will correct it. For now read and enjoy. I have been runnig Ubuntu on this laptop for about a week now, and all seems to have settled down for now. I can actually concentrate on getting some of my reading done for a bit.There is only a couple of things I need to do with Ubuntu, First is I want my battery signal to work. The second is I want to learn how to make good looking web pages.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Mandriva on the Notebook

This is just proof that a know nothing can do some things!
I am going to try to install SuSe tomorrow and FC4 as well, maybe I will have the same luck as I have with the Mandriva install. I litterally know nothing about Fedora Core or anything that it may or may not stand for. I will howerver give it the same chance I do all distobutions I have tried in the past.I have now been running Mandriva Free 2006 for the past few days now and am loving it so far, the only real problem isn't really a problem, just a pet peave. When I run any app on here it takes a bit to open, and if any of you are like me, you run many different things at the same time. When I do this, it get jerky and doesn't respond right away. What I am thinking is that more memory will fix most of this. If it does great! If not I will have to re-think my opinion. When I get home today I am going to install Ubuntu for one good reason, I am going to keep my Blog focussed on Ubuntu for the next little while. My one friend is going to be writing a book on Ubuntu and I want to be able to suggest things to him to help him with the crunch time upon him. See you all when I get home from work.